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Making Payday Happen✨

Who doesn't love a Payday???

Join Humanic and professionals nationwide from September 2nd-6th to celebrate National Payroll Week 2024— a week dedicated to honoring the payroll professionals who work tirelessly to ensure accurate, timely paychecks, and a sigh of relief across our country's workforce!


Let’s spread the joy of payday and recognize the essential role payroll plays in every organization!


🍪 Bite-Sized History

Founded in 1996 by PayrollOrg: National Payroll Week (NPW) coincides with the week of Labor Day—how fitting!

Purpose: Celebrates the achievements and partnerships between America's employees, payroll professionals, and government programs & agencies.

We're here to keep it brief—but if you want to learn more be sure to poke around the official NPW Page at:

Money Matters-Vounteer.png

Education, Empowerment, & (Payroll) Evolution!

The National Payroll Week founders,, host free learning during this week of payroll prowess - don't miss out on their boundlessly fresh payroll knowledge!

This includes volunteer opportunities through their Money Matters education series, geared towards demystifying the complexities of payroll for teens entering the workforce!


Volunteers are fully supported with everything they need, including teaching materials, curriculum, Local/In-person or Online classroom options, and more!

Check it out:


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We'll be keepin' it rollin' on Linkedin ALL NPW-long! 😎 But feel free to connect with our full social pulse!

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