This week, we focus in on payroll news in Keya's Teachers Service Commission making strides in improving access to maternity leave for Teachers, Conditional Fines in Azerbaijan as efforts to improve the workforce experience, and the changes and additions to the South African Critical Skills List for 2022.
Kenya Payroll
120-day Maternity Leave for Teachers
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) had been promised a response by last week, following a proposal to adjust the previous family leave, threatening a nationwide strike, which could have significantly interfered with next month's national exams. The leave extension was outlined in the 2021-2025 collective bargaining agreement (CBA), with Teacher’s Unions. Teachers will be supported with 120-day paid Maternity leave, Paternity leave, as well as 45-days of pre-adoptive leave.
Azerbaijan Payroll
Conditional Fines will be applied to violations under revised labor codes
Earlier this month, draft amendments to the Labor code had been prepared to help improve overworking and abuse of employees. Changes include making vacation a mandatory requirement, permissions to the Inspectorate Service to cancel contracts between employer and employee when the employee is ready for new work.
Certain amendments have been approved, and employers will be subject to conditional fines which they can be exempted from once the violations have been corrected. This effort has been made to stimulate employers to review their current practices against the coming amendments and make the necessary changes to improve the conditions of the Azerbaijani workforce.
South Africa Payroll
Updates to Critical Skills List for 2022
The Republic of South Africa has posted a new list of critical skills to include new categories as well as a more specific outline of the minimum qualification requirements. The Critical Skills list is used to approve applications for special work visas to help fill skilled positions that are experiencing shortages in local professional availability. This critical skills visa works in compliance with the Critical skills list and permits the holder to work within specific occupations and sectors in South Africa.
The updated list includes 101 critical skills categories and related titles, descriptions and requirements for qualifying for a visa. New categories include corporate general manger for medium to large enterprises, Director and chief executive officer for enterprises and organizations.
Any applications that were sent in that reference the prior critical skills list will no longer be accepted.
Kenyan Payroll
Azerbaijan Payroll
South African Payroll